Beneath the Blue and White We Stand
Click here for Club Contacts
Senior Coach 2023:
Gavin Chaplin
Reserves Coach 2023: TBA
- Training Tues & Thurs for Senior Grades
Women's Coach 2023: Adam South
- Training - Wednesday
U17 2023: Tyson Gordon
- Training Tuesday and Thursday nights
U15 2023: John Giannitto
- Training Monday and Wednesday nights
U13 2023: Dean Cutting
- Training Tuesday and Thursday nights
U11 2023: Des Deuter and Mikael Urmerbach
Wednesday 5.00 to 6.00 pm
U9 2023: Craig Gurkis and Keith Houston
- Training Wednesdays 4.30-5.30pm
TRAINERS : We would love more help with Trainers, club will reimburse level 1 training course - First Aid qualified persons encouraged to contact us - for both Juniors Grades and Adult Grades.
Or maybe you can offer to help on training nights and/or also game-days let us know - it will be very much appreciated!